Добро пожаловать в подножие Гималаи, в Непал. Меня зовут Хира. Я лицензионный Русскоговорящий гид в Непале. Я говорю на Русском, Английском, Индийском и конечно на Непальском и на Неварском (язык коренных жителей Катманду). Я Вас хочу познакомить с моей страной, с ее культурой, с ее народами и с ее природой. Я уверен, что Вы попадете в совсем незнакомый, непривычный...
I offer Airport Transferes, Guided Drives to the Kruger national park, Driving you around South Africa with your own vehicle to any destinations of your stay in south Africa...
Winter, spring, summer or fall. Delft surprises you all year round! My city walks are informative, sometimes practical. But always relaxed and welcoming. We stroll through the streets, along the canals and royal squares. Wondering why the tower of the Old Church is so lopsided? Want to know why the Delft pottery is blue? And which royal highnesses are...
Tirana sightseeing tours
Tirana city tours personalized
Tirana travel tours for your needs
Tirana tour guide general services
History & legends about the places.
Geography & the nature.
Archaeology, sites & museums.
Sports, walking, hiking, biking etc....
Hello everyone, I am glad to introduce myself to You: I’m Giulio Bartolini I live in Bucine Village (AR) Tuscany and I’ve been tour leading since 2006 with licence issued by the Productive Activities Office of Bucine Commune.
The services I offer to tour operators, brokers, tourist structures and tourists are:
– daily trips with air-conditioned private car, 7 seats van,...
Your provided description is a great start for a tour in traditional Dubai. To enhance it, you could consider incorporating more vivid and engaging language to paint a clearer picture for potential tourists. Here's a revised version:
"Embark on a captivating journey through the heart of traditional Dubai, an experience that goes beyond what you could discover on...
1. Trekking to Mt.Kilimanjaro,Kenya and Meru 2. Biking tours • Moshi town biking tour-this tour takes 2-3 hours exploring different angle of moshi town with the best view of the kilimanjaro and its daily activities. • Coffee plantation biking tour-Kilimanjaro region is very famous for producing coffee so this tour will take you to the plantations and made you...