Gerardo Atienza est un guide touristique local à Lisbon, Portugal, proposant des visites privées et des excursions.

Gerardo Atienza
First visit: 10 February 2018
Last visit: 27 June 2019
Lisbon, Portugal
Português (native), English, Español,
since 2014
Days tours in Lisbon, to Sintra, Fatima, Óbidos, Nazare, Evora, Coimbra Porto, Depending on the group size we can go in a Mercedes vintage cabrio, a passenger car or a 9 seats Mini Van. Avaiable also for walking tours in Lisbon and Hiking Trails in Sintra Mountain. Tours de dia completo en Lisbon, Sintra, Fatima, Óbidos, Nazare, Evora, Coimbra , Porto, Dependiendo de la dimension del vuestro grupo podremos ir en un Mercedes vintage cabrio, un coche de pasajeros o en un Mini Van de 9 plazas. Disponible tambien para paseos a pie en Lisboa y en la montaña de Sintra. Tour de dia completo en Lisboa, Sintra, Fatima, Óbidos, Nazare, Evora, Coimbra , Porto, Dependendo da dimensão do vosso grupo podemos ir en un Mercedes vintage cabrio, un veiculo de passageiros ou num Mini Van de 9 lugares. Disponivel também para passeios a pé em Lisboa e trilhos na montanha de Sintra.
4 years ago, i found what i really like to do is show to others my country.

I always lived in my city and i love to show it to my friends.

I love travel, meet nice people and make new friends. I like to talk and i will tell you everything that you want to know about Lisbon or Portugal, but i won't bored you with a lot of history. Just what you want to hear.

All my tours are Personalized, Private and Exclusive, so it will be just you and your family or friends.

You can decide where to stop and go. No stress