Unlock Enhanced Features for Your Guide Profile

A Premium Account is available by subscription and to be purchased for the specified period. Within that specified period, all the benefits of the Premium Account are available:

  • display in the top lines of the list of guides if a filter is applied to the list: location, languages, etc.;
  • ability to receive by email the text of the "I need a guide!" announcements 72 hours before their publication on the GuidesFinder bulletin board;
  • ability to create and advertise your tours on GuidesFinder ("My Tours" tab with a list of excursions in the guide's page);
  • displaying the guide's profile in the premium guides slider on the main page of GuidesFinder;
  • guide's photo stands out with an orange frame;
  • displaying all contact details of the guide on his/her page;
  • absence of advertisements, no distracting banners or pop-up windows.

    Duration Price Savings Action
    1-Month Subscription $10 (VAT excluded) Buy Now
    3-Month Subscription
    $24 (VAT excluded)
    save 20% Buy Now
    6-Month Subscription
    $36 (VAT excluded)
    save 40% Buy Now
    12-Month Subscription
    $48 (VAT excluded)
    save 60% Buy Now

    Get More From GuidesFinder

    GuidesFinder Premium is a paid subscription that offers additional features that are not available on the free basic account level.

    Climbing to the Top of the Guide List

    The guide's profile appears at the top of the list of guides if a filter is applied to the list (location, languages, etc.). This provides greater visibility in search results.

    Early Access to Announcements

    Premium subscribers can receive "I need a guide!" announcements 72 hours before they are published on the GuidesFinder bulletin board. This early access provides a competitive advantage, allowing guides to respond promptly to potential opportunities

    Tour Creation and Advertisement

    Premium account holders gain the ability to create and advertise their tours through the "My Tours" tab within their profiles. This feature enables guides to showcase their offerings more effectively, reaching a broader audience of potential tourists.

    Featured Placement

    Premium guides enjoy enhanced visibility through the premium guides slider on the main page of GuidesFinder.

    Full Contact Details

    Premium account holders benefit from the display of all their contact details on their profile. This transparency facilitates direct communication between guides and potential clients.

    Distinctive Profile Photo

    Premium guides' profile photos are highlighted with an orange frame, making them stand out visually. This small but effective visual cue can help capture the attention of users browsing through various guide profiles.

    Absence of Advertisements

    Absence of advertising banners and pop-up windows allows guides to fully focus on promoting their services and communicating with potential clients on GuidesFinder.

    Should you have any questions, please see FAQ for Tour Guides or write a message to us.

    Guide's Premium Account