Croatia Private Tours: Uncover Historical Gems and Scenic Wonders

by GuidesFinder Team

Croatia Private Tours: Uncover Historical Gems and Scenic WondersPhoto by Diego F. Parra

When it comes to Croatia, a whole range of very pleasant associations comes to mind. For some, it is the crystal clear waters of the Adriatic, others are impressed by its centuries-old sights, and some cannot forget the taste of truffles, pršrut and local wine.

Come with us and let's try to figure out together why this truly wonderful land is so popular among tourists from all over the world, leaving such a rich aftertaste for its guests.

Multifaceted Croatia

The diversity of this country is due to its geographical location: one side faces the Mediterranean, but in the depths there is the southern part of the vast and fertile Pannonian Plain.

And this is a completely different country, rural Croatia. Its lands annually yield abundant harvests, and local winemakers produce excellent wines.

The ancient Romans understood this feature very well - they were the first to divide the territory of Croatia into the southern province of Dalmatia, which occupied the entire coast of the country, and northern Pannonia.

These days, most people who come to Croatia seek to get first of all to its coastal territory, to feel the gentle waters of the Adriatic and bask in the sunny resorts of the Dalmatian and Istrian regions.

But the continental part of the country deserves no less attention with its majestic medieval castles, national and natural parks, thermal spas and magnificent baroque palaces.

A brief excursion into the fascinating history of Croatia

Another characteristic feature of Croatia is its ancient and rich history. Pottery fragments found on the modern territory eloquently testify to settlements here as early as the 5th millennium BC.

Since then, these lands have seen a lot. Even a lot. Conquests by the Romans (3rd - 1st centuries BC), the invasion of the Tatar-Mongols under the leadership of Batu in the 13th century, the capture of most of Croatia by the Ottoman Empire in the 16th century, the Vienna Congress of 1815 and, finally, in the middle of the 19th century - the beginning of the Croatian national revival.

And this is only the most general outline, much has been deliberately omitted due to the impressive volume of information.

We are sure that on this site you will easily find Croatia local tour guides who will be happy to tell you about the history of Croatia in more detail, very interestingly and with great enthusiasm.

Here you can find private tourist guides in Croatia - a convenient filter system on the homepage of the site allows you to choose a guide by region, age, experience and language of communication.

After you choose a local tour guide in Croatia, ideal for you personally, send him/her a direct message by clicking on the image of the envelope. Now you just have to wait for feedback from the guide to discuss the details.

Private tours in Croatia will allow you to understand the local culture, history and traditions much more deeply. This country will speak to you in its own language as if you were a friend, sincerely reveal many of its secrets and mysteries.

Wonders of Croatia: Festivals and Holidays You Can't Miss

Croats are peaceful and very hospitable people who welcome tourists warmly. Of course, they have something to offer their guests. The rich national culture is represented by numerous musical groups. From February to October, festivals and holidays are held in various cities of Croatia. Some of them are worth mentioning in particular.

“Split Summer”

The music and theatre festival takes place in the coastal town of Split (Dalmatia) from mid-July to mid-August. It is one of the most important cultural events in all of Croatia.

Theatrical performances, film screenings and street performances, music concerts and dance performances follow each other throughout the month and will not let anyone get bored.


Every year at the end of August - beginning of September, the small and very cozy town of Varaždin becomes a stage for street artists for 10 days: jugglers, singers, clowns, puppet and comedy troupes, as well as musicians.

In addition to the main festival program, the streets of the city host exhibitions and sales of honey, lace, wood products, local wines, baked goods made according to old recipes and other folk crafts. Master classes are held for anyone who wants to recreate something similar.

The name of the festival is derived from the German spazieren, which means “to walk” and Fest — “festival”.

Its second name is “Festival of Tramps” due to the fact that the procession of artists goes along the streets of the city.

Every year the street program of the festival changes, which means that every year its viewers become participants in something new and fresh, even more fun and exciting.

To attend some events of the festival, you need to buy tickets.

Visualia Festival

Croatia has something to offer for fans of modern technology. In early autumn, Pula (Istria) hosts the Visualia Festival using the latest 3D mapping technology. Light installations and shows by festival participants are amazing. This festival has been held for the eighth year in a row, which is a convincing testimony in its favor.

Visualia Festival presents the magic and beauty of new technologies and audiovisual art.

During the festival, Pula is transformed thanks to a large number of installations installed throughout the city. The magical light exhibition delights visitors of all ages and leaves no one indifferent.

The light shows start every 60 minutes, from nine o'clock in the evening and last until midnight.

The traditional night run "Xica", in which participants run through the illuminated night city, is another specialty of the Visualia Festival.

Za križen

Translated from Croatian, this phrase means "Following the cross". This night procession begins every year on Maundy Thursday of Holy Week at exactly 10:00 p.m. on the island of Hvar and is more of a religious event than a festival.

However, its significance is enormous both from a historical and cultural point of view. Suffice it to say that this event is included in the lists of UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage.

Za križen consists of annual processions in six cities: Jelsa, Pitve, Vrisnik, Svirce, Vrbanj and Vrboska, leaving a moving mark on the heart of each of its participants for more than five hundred years.

Discover the Secrets of Croatian Cuisine: Unique Features and Dishes

After learning about history and culture, our appetite usually awakens. And how about you? Then it's time to get acquainted with the gastronomic Croatia.

What makes Croatian cuisine one of the healthiest in the world? The answer is simple. Thanks to the excellent ecology, Croatian products are famous for their high quality.

As we have already said, there are two different Croatias within the borders of one state. The same applies to food. Let's consider some of the features of each.

A Journey of Flavors: Culinary Treasures of Continental Croatia

The traditions of Austria and Hungary have had a great influence on the cuisine of continental Croatia. Roasted turkeys, ducks, geese are welcome and indispensable participants in the festive feast.

Baked pig is almost always served on the New Year's table in this part of the country. Various types of goulash are very popular, and mlinci, similar to flakes made from unleavened dough, are offered as a side dish.

Pike perch, pike, carp and other freshwater fish are grilled or stewed and served with potatoes.

For dessert, you can try delicious cakes, chestnut cream pastries and the very popular pancakes.

A Gastronomic Journey Through the Pearls of the Croatian Coast

The proximity of the Adriatic waters means that fish and seafood dishes are one of the main components of this region.

Spiny lobster, tuna, mackerel, sea mullet, octopus, oysters and mussels - it seems we have not missed anything on this list. Cabbage is often served as a side dish to fish, which is also presented here in all its variety: cauliflower, white cabbage, red cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts.

Meat is also widely represented in the dishes typical of this part of Croatia. Surely many have heard of the famous pšrut - this thin air-dried ham is one of the calling cards of Croatia.

Another famous Croatian snack is sheep's milk cheese soaked in olive oil. Lamb is cooked in any form and served with various side dishes. In Dalmatia, as a side dish to meat and fish, you can be offered boiled blitva - a garden plant that tastes like spinach.

In the fall, in the cities of Istria, you can get acquainted with dishes made from chanterelles, porcini mushrooms and truffles.

What Wines Do They Drink in Croatia: Discover Unique Tastes and Traditions

According to historians, the ancient Illyrians began cultivating grapes on the territory of modern Croatia in the Bronze and Iron Ages. This is the path that Croatian winemaking has taken and, of course, the country has accumulated considerable experience in this matter. Today, vineyards are an integral part of Croatia. More than 700 varieties of wine are officially registered. And this does not include the delicious varieties of local wines that hospitable Croatians will be happy to offer you.

But there are nuances here too. For example, in Dalmatia, red wine varieties are more common. While in the Istrian region and continental Croatia, they are predominantly white.

Table varietal wines in Croatia are of excellent quality and, what is important and pleasant, quite affordable.

Often in coastal areas, red strong dry wine is diluted with the purest water from mountain springs. In continental Croatia, white wine is diluted with mineral water.

“Why do they do this?” - you may ask... The Croats believe that this way the wine is better absorbed and quenches thirst better. Let's not argue with winemakers who have such impressive experience in this matter.

Croatia private wine tours with GuidesFinder tour guides are a fun and educational way to experience Croatia's centuries-old wine history.

Active Holidays in Croatia: Discover New Horizons of Adventure

Croatia is an ideal country for recreation. If you have read our article up to these lines and have not yet been inspired by this idea, read it all over again, using your imagination.

Croatia has something special for literally every guest. And active recreation is no exception. Often this type of recreation is associated with water. Private yacht tours in Croatia as well as private boat tours are quite popular types of services offered to tourists.

You can also try mountain routes and rock climbing. And although the mountains of Croatia are not very high, up to 2,000 meters, they are very picturesque.

Croatia private city tours and private historical tours can also be considered as active recreation. In any case, it is difficult to call it passive, considering the number of attractions that are definitely worth seeing in Croatia.


Finishing this article, we understand that we have only scratched the surface of what makes this country so rich, original, and beautiful. It might be worth writing a few more articles to delve deeper into the mysteries of its charm and fascination, which are truly irresistible.

To fully experience Croatia's wonders, we recommend finding expert local guides through our website. With GuidesFinder, you can connect with knowledgeable Croatian guides who offer personalized tours tailored to your interests. Embark on your adventure with a local guide and dive deeper into Croatia’s rich history, vibrant culture, and stunning landscapes.

Believe us, you will not regret it!