Wie ticken die Griechen? Wie erleben sie ihren Alltag? Wie und wo verbringen sie ihre Freizeit? Was ist unser Nationalsport?
Geschichte - Kultur - Natur - Griechische Küche: wie kann man ein Land besser erfahren/erleben als durch die Verbindung von Geschichte und Moderne? Die Ausflugsmöglichkeiten sind unendlich (auch im Athener Raum). Bestimmen und gestalten Sie die Ausflüge nach Ihren...
The Moravian Karst is an incredible natural wonder that’s just a short trip away from both Brno and Vienna. By joining me one of guided tours, led by an expert local guide, you’ll discover the hidden gems of this stunning region, from intricate caves to historical ruins and picturesque trails.
Whether you’re in Brno or Vienna, don’t miss the opportunity...
Do you know that just 30mn to 1 hour on train from Paris, you can be totally immersed in the Nature ? During your stay in Paris, how about doing something different and taking a hike in the most beautiful forests, the most scenic countryside, and the most quaint villages.
Having crisscrossed the Paris Region on foot with a Hiking...
Tailor-made tours for Croatia, Slovenia, Montenegro, Serbia and Bosnia & Herzegovina. Professional driving guide services for Croatia, with or without exploration stops included....
I specialize in offering trekking and cycling tours across Morocco, tailored to showcase the country’s diverse landscapes—from the towering Atlas Mountains to the serene coastal regions. My tours are designed to not only challenge and inspire but also to immerse travelers in the rich culture and traditions of Morocco. With a focus on personalized service, I ensure that each...
Interactive tour guiding in Transylvania and all Romania: city tours, treasure hunting, one day tours, extended tours, thematic tours. I can also help you planning an itinerary to suit your interests and requirements, visiting the authentic.
Interaktív utak: várostúrák, kincsvadászat, egynapos kirándulások, több napos csillagtúrák, körutak, tematikus utak. Örömmel segítek testre szabottan megtervezni útját, az autentikusságra összpontosítva....