Mehmet Ayhan is a local tour guide in Urgup, Turkey, who speaks Türkçe (native), English, Español

Mehmet Ayhan
First visit: 27 April 2024
Last visit: 28 April 2024
Urgup, Turkey
Türkçe (native), English, Español
since 2016
Strolling through unbeaten paths and witnessing to traces of the past what I kindly like to show in Cappadocia.
I am Mehmet Ayhan and living in Central Cappadocia, Urgup Town. I am a professional and national tour guide and since 2016 I am working as guide. As a person, I always like to communicate with new people and know other cultures.
In this profession, my specilty is Christian Culture and History in Cappadocia. In addition I like hike through valleys of Region and take photos of its gorgeous nature.

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